Dr Clare Bryden is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Theology and Religion at the University of Exeter, freelance writer, website developer, energy-environment consultant, and general dabbler in things that interest her. She tweets at @ClareBryden.
“Particulart” was a partnership between Clare Bryden and Diana Moore, aimed at encouraging Devon County Council to ensure that the Exeter Incinerator is operated properly to minimise harmful emissions, and to develop a coherent and transparent waste strategy. Particulart is about knitting, and the environment, and health, and visual impact, and chemistry. It was exhibited in the Exeter Real Food café during autumn 2014. Knitting can be profoundly countercultural. The act of making is meditative, providing a space to mull over the issue. Clare is now developing “Particulart” further to encompass further issues and chemistry. “A Stitch in Time” is on the subject of climate change, and is being exhibited in Bristol Cathedral during Lent 2015.
Everyone is warmly welcomed to the St Michael’s Lectures and admission is FREE (with a voluntary retiring collection). They are followed by discussion and light refreshments. For further information or to discuss disabled access, please contact David Beadle at dnb201@ex.ac.uk
St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Dinham Road, Mount Dinham, Exeter, EX4 4EB