21st ANNIVERSARY LECTURE – Real Bible Study

Hosted by: The Very Reverend Jeffrey John (Dean of St Albans Cathedral)

The Very Reverend Jeffrey John is Dean of St Albans Cathedral, a writer and a broadcaster. He was brought up in Rhondda, South Wales, and studied Classics, Modern Languages and Theology at Oxford. His books include The Meaning in the Miracles and Permanent Faithful Stable: Christian Same-Sex Marriage.

Many people have been put off the Bible by inadequate, usually over-literal presentations of it. This lecture seeks to show, in an entertaining way, why understanding the approaches and results of biblical scholarship usually strengthens faith and creates a thirst to learn more. Being genuinely “biblical” involves facing truths about scripture, which are essential for real understanding, but rarely touched on in what normally passes for “Bible study.”

Chaired by Bishop A. Martin Shaw; Free, with voluntary donations at the end; Includes buffet and a glass of juice or wine; Followed by a discussion, with questions from the floor; Attendance about 140.


St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Dinham Road, Mount Dinham, Exeter, EX4 4EB