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Welcome to St Michael and All Angels

Sung Mass is celebrated every Sunday at 11:00am.
Vespers are sung to plainchant by candlelight on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00pm.
Highlights of the month
are listed below. We look forward to welcoming you!

March is a month of Music at St Michael’s with a special series of concerts and recitals featuring outstanding young musicians from London and the South West.
Read more here.

6.00pm Stations of the CrossThe journey to Calvary is marked as the officiant and congregation process around the church pausing at each of the 14 Stations of the Cross. Prayers are said and the Stabat Mater hymn is sung to plainsong at each Station.
7:00pm Lent Reading Group on S. Augustine | led by Professor Oliver Nicholson

• Sunday 2nd THE TRANSFIGURATION| 18:00 Evensong & Benediction Ven. David Gunn-Johnson
• Wednesday 5th ASH WEDNESDAY | 19:30 Sung Mass Ven. David Gunn-Johnson.
• Wednesdays 12th, 19th, 26th, 2nd, 9th | 18:00 Stations of the Cross Dr. Richard W Parker & Anthony Pugh
• Tuesday 25th THE ANNUNCIATION | 19:30 Sung Mass Fr Steven Martin.
• Sunday 30th MOTHERING SUNDAY | 11:00 Sung Mass Fr Nigel Mason. Followed by tea, cake and flowers for everyone!

• Saturday 1st COMMUNITY
| 10:30 Spring Clean for Lent! – all welcome
• Thursday 6th LECTURE19:00 “A Life Described: Confessions of S. Augustine (354-430 AD)”  Lecture with Professor Oliver Nicholson
• Saturday 8th MUSIC | 17:30 Exeter University Chamber Orchestra & Friends memorial concert for Paul McClure with guest soloists
• Saturday 15th COMMUNITY | 10:30 Gardening Group – all welcome
• Friday 21st MUSIC | 19:30 Exeter University Singers Spring Concert
• Saturday 22nd MUSIC | 15:00 Apricity Trio Recital with Afternoon Tea
• Wednesdays in Lent COMMUNITY | 19:00 Lent Reading Group on S. Augustine’s Confessions
(March 12th, 19th, 26th, Apr 2nd, 9th)

Saturday 29th COMMUNITY | 11:00-16:00 Spring Social & Fair - Stalls, refreshments and crafts for children.

Regular Thursday Groups
• 10:30-12:30 | Singing for Wellbeing with Marie Free.
• 13:30-14:30 | Ukulele for Beginners with Dickon Fell.
• 15:30-17:30 | Djembe Drumming with Allan Kerr of Shumba Arts.

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St. Michael’s Mount Dinham Exeter is a beacon of Anglo-Catholic Liturgy and Music in the south west of England; a favoured concert venue and a treasured resource for the community.
Explore our 
Feasts & Special Services page.

People: Fr Nigel Mason is Curate in Charge of St Michael’s Mount Dinham. Find out more about our people, supporting clergy and governance on the about pages and contact us here.

Location: for a map and directions to St Michael’s church, you can find us, here.
Getting here: the Iron Bridge is closed for refurbishment until June 2025. You can walk under the bridge onto Dinham Rd, or access by car from St. David’s hill driving East. Click here for more information and diversion routes.
Free Parking:  For approx 12 spaces on the south side of the church. Collect a pink permit from inside the church to display in your vehicle.

Safeguarding: if you have a concern about the safety of someone or the actions of those working with children or vulnerable adults, please contact St. Michael’s safeguarding co-lead Sabrina Gröschel, Read our Safeguarding Policy hereThe Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted here.


~  St Michael’s was consecrated to the Glory of God at Michaelmas, 29 September 1868  ~

Exeter Diocese: advice and news can be found here.
Slide show image credit: St Michael’s Mount Dinham and the Cathedral from the air, Geach Aerial Photography.

Beata es, Virgo Maria | Cantores Chamber Choir at Exeter Cathedral

Cantores Chamber Choir performs a concert of sacred music at 1pm at Exeter Cathedral. The programme, entitled Beata es, Virgo Maria, includes works by Franco-Flemish and Iberian composers of the Renaissance, with communion motets and pieces for the Virgin Mary, Lamentations and…

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Exeter Chorale Concert | The Way of the Cross

Exeter Chorale presents Franz Liszt Via Crucis and Anton Dvorak Mass in D at 7:30pm on the Monday evening of Holy Week.  Franz Litszt began the composition of Via Crucis in Rome in the autumn of 1878 and completed it in February…

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Exeter Singers Concert | Folk Songs for Choirs

Exeter Singers with conductor, Tony Yates, offers an a capella programme of Folk songs for Choirs,  including arrangements by Vaughan Williams, Holst and Rutter.  Refreshements will be available during the interval. Admission: FREE Donations to local care charity, FORCE. ...

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The Feast of St. Wite – Pilgrimage to Whitchurch Canonicorum

St Wite’s Feast Day falls on the 1st of June. In the Dorset village of Whitchurch Canonicorum during the 16th-century there was a local custom of offering her cakes and ale on this day. A pilgrimage to Whitchurch Canonicorum may be happenieng on this…

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Bijan Omrani | The Beauty of Holiness

We are thrilled to welcome Bijan Omrani to St Michael’s Lectures Series for his talk at 7:30pm; The Beauty of Holiness: where did it come from and do we still need it? Bijan Omrani is a British historian, journalist, teacher, barrister and…

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