St Leonard’s is the Chapel of the Beauchamp Community, NE of Great Malvern.
Explore this stunning church, lovely grounds and the historic buildings of this site.
The founder of St Michael & All Angels, William Gibbs, is commemorated in the nave of the Chapel, alongside his daughter, Albinia.
This service of Evensong & Benediction is held at 4.00 pm on Saturday 20 September, 2014.
Responses : Smith
Psalm : Day 20, Psalm 104 Benedic anima mea
Canticles : Dyson in F
Office Hymn : NEH 268, Part 1
Anthem : Palestrina, Sicut cervus
O Salutaris : Elgar
Tantum Ergo : Liszt
Psalm 117- Latin, plainchant
The Church of St. Leonard was built in the early French Gothic style by Philip Charles Hardwick (1822-92). The entire church is decorated with an impressive series of murals executed in the Thomas Gambier Parry style of painting known as Spirit Fresco.
This year is the Beauchamp Community’s 150th anniversary. Visit their website via the link below to discover more wonderful musical events. You may be interested to know that Andrew Millington, Director of Music at Exeter Cathedral will give an organ recital here on Saturday 30th August at 7.30pm.
St Leonard's Chapel, Newland, Worcester, WR13 5AX