Glastonbury Pilgrimage 2015

Hosted by: Glastonbury Pilgrimage

On Saturday 11th July, members of the Parish will once again be joining the Glastonbury Pilgrimage.

Jun24 update: Please note; apologies but final numbers mean that coach transport to and from Glastonbury has had to be cancelled. Please make personal or shared travel arrangements and consult with each other well before the day.

You will need to arrive in Glastonbury in good time for Mass starting at 12 noon in the Abbey.

The Procession of Witness begins at 2.30pm along the High Street to the Abbey grounds for Evensong & Benediction.

Celebrant at the 12 noon Mass: Bishop Jupp,
Preacher: Bishop Norman Banks from Richborough

This year’s Pilgrimage on 11th July falls on the Feast of St Benedict, the Father of Western Monasticism.  Glastonbury became a Benedictine foundation towards the end of the 7th century when King Centwine of Wessex apparently introduced the Saxon monastic community, the successor of the original Celtic one, to the Rule of St Benedict.  However, Glastonbury’s flowering as a Benedictine community really began with the appointment of St Dunstan as its abbot around the year 940.  From his time dates its great revival as a Benedictine house and as one of the main educational centres in the country.

Glastonbury Pilgrimage - external site


Glastonbury Abbey, Magdalene Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9EL