Passion Sunday

Hosted by: St Michael's Church and Choir

We are thankful that Public Worship in our Church has resumed, but the customary Covid precautions still apply. Please sanitise hands, wear a face covering unless exempt, and maintain spacing using labelled Pews.  Do join us if you can & should. 

 LINKS HERE for  OUR_PEWSHEET  with Music links   TODAY’S READINGS  and


Sunday 21st March, Sung Mass at 11am. The Penitential nature of Lent becomes more intense with the Veiling of all the Crosses and Statues in the Church. The Celebrant and Preacher will be Fr Robin Eastoe .


In 2019 – 11am Sung Mass. Hymns: 84: 358: 83. Setting: Mass for four voices, Byrd. Motet: Verily, verily I say unto you, Tallis. 6pm Choral Evensong and Benediction. Responses: Byrd. Psalm 22 1-13. Office Hymn: .Canticles: Gibbons Short Service. Anthem: Solus ad victimam, Leighton. O salutaris: 269 Tantum Ergo: 268

In 2018 we sang the Sarum Plainsong Mass, Motet: O große Lieb, from JSBach Johannespassion, and Hymns 379, 445 &: 92.

O große Lieb’, O Lieb’ ohn’ alle Maße, die dich gebracht auf diese Marterstraße, ich lebte mit der Welt in Lust und Freuden, und du musst leiden.
O great love, O love beyond all measure, that has led you on this martyr’s path, I live in the world amidst pleasure and joy, and you have to suffer


Pewsheet for Passion Sunday


St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Dinham Road, Mount Dinham, Exeter, EX4 4EB