Senior Scholarship Audition & Open Choir Practice

Hosted by: St Michael's Choir

Tuesday 22nd September at 7pm sees an Open Choir Practice for anyone interested in singing a wide variety of sacred choral music in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere with the rather good choir at St Mike’s.

But specifically, we hope to appoint an Ouseley Trust Scholar and two Senior Choral Scholars (voice parts to be determined on ability and choir needs) following an audition process, preferably before or after choir practice on Tuesday 22nd.

Senior Choral Scholars will be students from the University of Exeter, and will be required to:

  • Sing with the choir for rehearsals and services during term time, including (but not limited to):

    • Rehearsals – Tuesday, 7:00-8:30pm

    • Mass – Sunday, 10:00am-12:30pm (approx.)

    • Evensong and Benediction – first Sunday of every month, 4:45-7:00pm (approx.)

    • Feast Days and special services – in accordance with the St Michael’s calendar

  • Provide a strong lead in their section, ensuring that they are familiar with all music in advance of the service at which it is being performed

  • Undertake solo and/or semi-chorus roles as requested by the Director of Music

  • Support the Director of Music with the administrative running of the choir, for example by assisting with the maintenance of the music library

Senior Choral Scholars will be awarded an honorarium of £400 per annum, renewable without re-audition for a maximum of three years, and the Ouseley Scholar an honorarium of £600 per annum for two years.



St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Dinham Road, Mount Dinham, Exeter, EX4 4EB