St Michael’s Choir sings Evensong at St Martin’s Church, Cathedral Close, Exeter

Hosted by: St Martin's, Cathedral Close, Exeter

This service of Evensong is held on Sunday 17 August at 6.30 pm.
Responses : Smith
Canticles : Gibbons Short Service
Anthem : Ave Maria, Arcadelt

St Martin’s is one of Exeter’s oldest surviving churches. Nestled in the corner of the Cathedral Close, adjacent to Michael Caine’s restaurant, this tiny, mediaeval Church looks out on to the Cathedral Green in one of the busiest and most interesting parts of the city.

St Martin’s Church was built in the 15th century. It is built of Heavitree stone and has slate roofs. The chancel arch is thought to be the oldest part of the building, and may date from the previous church on the site which was consecrated on 6 July 1065 by Bishop Leofric.
There are traces of Anglo-Saxon long-and-short work high in the north-east corner of the nave.
It is now in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust.


St Martin's Church, Cathedral Close, Exeter, EX1 1EZ