A History of Christianity in Exeter

Hosted by: Ash Leighton Plom

Wednesday 24th June at 7.30pm, St Michael’s Lecture.

Ash Leighton Plom holds an MA in Landscape and Urban History, with specialism in Devon.  He works as a lecturer and tutor, privately and for local education organisations such as the WEA South West.

In the first of a special double-bill of lectures (the next to be given at the same time and place on July 15th) will be speaking on Exeter - a Christian society for over 1,500 years.  Ash will take us on a journey through Exeter and Devon’s history, from the earliest Pagan peoples through the Christian Church of antiquity and Aethelstan, to medieval and early modern philanthropy, and expressions of Christian charity in the present day.

Everyone is warmly welcomed to the St Michael’s Lectures and admission is FREE (with a voluntary retiring collection).  They are followed by discussion and light refreshments, and are held in St. Michael’s Church.  For further information, or to discuss disabled access, contact David Beadle at dnb201@ex.ac.uk


St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Dinham Road, Mount Dinham, Exeter, EX4 4EB