Christians in Syria

Hosted by: St Michael's Lectures - Idir Ouahes

Wednesday 21st October at 7.30pm, St Michael’s Lecture.  Free with retiring collection – half proceeds to the Al Khalil Community in Syria, providing for internally-displaced refugees of all faiths.

Idir Ouahes is a British researcher of North African origin. He has studied history at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, and politics at Freie Universitet, Berlin and the University of Exeter in the UK. His work focuses on cultural institutions in the first five years of the French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon. Idir previously worked at the House of Commons and the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills where he supported the work of the Foreign Affairs Committee and worked on EU labour legislation. Alongside the history of the Middle East, Idir’s research interests include contemporary political analysis and social policy. He published a note on the Deal with Iran for the House of Commons and has published several academic articles.

This lecture will explore the backgrounds of various Christian communities in Syria and trace their history, starting from a broad summary of their ancient backgrounds and on through periods under the rule of Islam. It will then discuss the creation of modern Christian communities in Syria, and among Syrian’s abroad. Finally the lecture will consider current disastrous developments for Syria’s rich cultural community.

Everyone is warmly welcomed to the St Michael’s Lectures and admission is FREE (with a voluntary retiring collection).  They are followed by discussion and light refreshments, and are held in St. Michael’s Church.  For further information, or to discuss disabled access, contact

Lectures Poster


St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Dinham Road, Mount Dinham, Exeter, EX4 4EB