Sunday after Ascension

Hosted by: St Michael's Church and Choir

Sunday 13th May, Sung Mass at 11am for Easter 7, the Sunday after Ascension. Hymns from New English Hymnal are 165 : 296 : 214.  The Mass Setting is by Charles Wood (1866-1926) in the Dorian Mode, and the Motet “God is gone up” by Arthur Hutchings (1906-89). The Celebrant and Preacher is our Vicar, Fr Nigel Guthrie.

Again this week our Archbishops of Canterbury & York are asking all Christians, in the Church of England and all other Denominations, to pray for better Witness and Evangelism to people in our secular society under the banner #ThyKingdomCome, as we look to Pentecost.


On Sunday 17th May 2015 we had a special Anthem that might benefit from a little background information. It was a lively, modern (2009) setting by our then Director of Music, Alex West, of the remarkable poem “The Quip” by George Herbert (1593-1633), written as a witty riposte to those who jeered at him for giving up the comfortable life of a Cambridge academic to become priest and pastor to the village of Bemerton near Salisbury for the last 3 years of his short life.

The merry World did on a day
With his train-bands and mates agree
To meet together where I lay,
And all in sport to jeer at me.
First Beauty crept into a rose,
Which when I pluck’d not, “Sir,” said she,
“Tell me, I pray, whose hands are those?”
But Thou shalt answer, Lord, for me.
Then Money came, and chinking still,
“What tune is this, poor man?” said he;
“I heard in music you had skill:”
But Thou shalt answer, Lord, for me.
Then came brave Glory puffing by
In silks that whistled, who but he?
He scarce allow’d me half an eye:
But Thou shalt answer, Lord, for me.
Then came quick Wit and Conversation,
And he would needs a comfort be,
And, to be short, make an oration:
But Thou shalt answer, Lord, for me.
Yet when the hour of Thy design
To answer these fine things shall come,
Speak not at large, say, I am Thine;
And then they have their answer home.
The Mass Setting was in E by Harold Darke (famous for his setting of Christina Rossetti’s “In the Bleak Midwinter”).


St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Dinham Road, Mount Dinham, Exeter, EX4 4EB