Tuckers Hall Mass, Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady

Vespers began at 18.00 at St Michael’s Mount Dinham, followed by a procession down to Tuckers Hall for a Sung Mass at 7.30pm.
With celebrant, the Venerable David Gunn-Johnson and choir director, Peter Allsop.

This historic Feast Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary welcomed around 50 people into Tuckers Hall, formerly the Chapel of the Assumption of Our Lady, for the first Mass held there since 1536.

Music: Mass for 4 Voices by the English Renaissance composer William Byrd (1540 – 1623) and the motet, Assumpta est Maria, by the Italian Renaissance composer Sigismondo d’India (1582-1629), together with the Propers (psalms) and Hymns of the day.

Some images of the event;
Robing and processing from St Michael’s
Choir practice in Tuckers Hall
Altar of Our Lady of the Assumption at Tuckers Hall
The Beadle of Tuckers Hall

The Hall itself was erected in 1470 as the Guild Chapel of the Assumption of Our Lady, for the fraternity of the Tuckers, Weavers and Fullers (cloth-makers). Mass was last celebrated here in 1536. At the time of the Reformation, the chapel was converted into a Guild Hall to avoid the attention of King Henry VIII’s government. Despite the widespread destruction of many churches, chapels and monasteries throughout the land, the Guildsmen managed to keep their building, which survives in use to this day.

Tuckers Hall, Fore Street, Exeter EX4 3AN.


Tuckers Hall, 140 Fore St, Exeter EX4 3AN.