
Pi Day @ St Pythag’s

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Monday March 14th 2016, or 3/14/16 as our American cousins number it, may rightly be called Pi Day (3.1416), and we will celebrate it as St Pythagoras & All Angles Day too. Of course, when I was young (and never needed anyone, those days are gone, don't wanna be..., sorry,…

St Pythag’s @ The Primates’ Tea Party

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St Pythag's shows its disapproval of the Church of England General Synod with some targeted humour. Having spent 4 blessed years at the University of St Andrews, and with Wee Frees as in-laws, I feel I know a little of the complexities of the Scottish churches, so I am saddened…

Easter @ St Pythag’s

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Many of our Christian brothers and sisters in many parts of this world have been suffering cruel persecution recently and our prayers are with them; but it is the faiths that have no fun, and claim purity or perfection, that are usually the most dangerous and hurtful, so I think…

Lent Course @ St Pythag’s

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Greetings and a bright spring welcome to a Blog with some personal views from the Square on the Hypotenuse at the late Perpendicular expression of Church that is St Pythagoras & All Angles. Lent should be a time of Selfie denial, but... I know it's easier to satirise than to sanctify,…

Yule Blog from St Pythag’s!

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Greetings and a warm winter welcome to the Yule Blog with some personal views from your correspondent, the Square on the Hypotenuse, at the parallel impression of Church that is St Pythagoras & All Angles, defying the gravitas of Advent and presenting some festive fun and reflections as we reach…