If you are thinking of getting married, we offer you our warmest congratulations and invite you to explore these wedding pages and links to prepare and inspire your journey towards creating your new married lives together.
A St Michael’s wedding is a truly wonderful event. Each year couples prepare and host their weddings here, some of which you can see in our gallery below.
If you would like to have a chat about your wedding plans, please contact a member of the clergy or the Church Wardens.
We are able to offer marriage services to those who are on the Church Electoral Roll, or who have a qualifying connection to St Michael & All Angels Church, Mount Dinham.
The licensed Interim Minister for the Benefice is the Revd. Mike Clark, who can be contacted on 07889 570159 or by email to
If you have held your marriage service at St Michael’s and would like to share some of your photographs here, please contact us.
Further information about marriage in the Church of England can be found at