Orders of Service
The Church of England has three Marriage Services, detailed below.
At St Michael’s, you can also receive a Blessing for your marriage.
A traditional wedding at St Michael’s follows the Book of Common Prayer (1662),
in traditional language with a full choir, which is known as a Nuptial Mass.
Read more about this special service here.
Each service offers a certain flexibility in the choice of readings and prayers, hymns and other music.
Book of Common Prayer (1662)
The Service of Matrimony contains traditional, lyrical language. Like the Authorized King James Bible and the works of Shakespeare, many words and phrases from the Book of Common Prayer have entered common parlance. The original book, published in 1549 in the reign of Edward VI, was a product of the English Reformation.
Book of Common Prayer (1966)
This Marriage Service is a modified version of the original.
Common Worship (2000)
This Marriage Service is mostly in modern language.